Pray and Donate

I hope the stories here are as exciting to you as they are to me. Knowing that I have a supportive community behind me makes all the difference. I firmly believe that it takes a community to move the Kingdom of God forward and I want to thank you for showing at least a little interest in the amazing ministry that I am involved in.

I spend my time ministering to campers, summer camp staff, and parents in hopes to encourage, push, guide and love young people into becoming Extraordinary Kingdom Leaders. It’s exciting stuff, and I am truly grateful and blessed to be involved in what God is doing. If you share this passion and excitement for seeing young people entering more fully into what it means to have a relationship with Christ, I would ask you to consider becoming a partner in this ministry.

To donate, visit and click Support Staff, and enter ‘Joel Murphy’ in the field required.

Prayer is an important part of my ministry, if you want to join my mailing/prayer list, email me at

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